Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Would a clone have a soul?

So (Granted) if clones and free will exist. So does the “soul”. (THIS IDEA IS ASSUMED) What about within a clone? The question I have is; ‘Is the genetically inherited human memory… Manifest within itself (eventually as an offspring) within its clone, or ‘parent’? REAL????

Yes, it will be true but not specifically representing or resulting from the cloned individual’s life experience.

Me mark, I do not think that god represents me in any way, because if he does then he presents himself in every other way that is.

As evidence for an elusive and divine purpose a clone of you can describe the same memory you have even though they were created just a moment ago.

Linked to the human “enviro-soul experience” from which the cloned individuals experience have any merit to their mortality.

When you break down the feeling of what it is to consider yourself as a special individual, as an exclusive human entity, like no other. Of course you can validate this conviction through religion or the inborn need to feel as if you have something to contribute to society, for no reason other than you “felt” the need too, or felt it was the right social maneuver”.

Paradoxically according to the majority of religions, you own your own individualism based upon the idea that no matter what the infinite possibilities are in an infinite “multi-verse”. It is unlikely that anything like you… even on a molecular or atomic scale in the world actually exists or will happen. Since hyperspace is infinite and does exist, and if the universe is really a multi-verse then I find it hard to believe that what could, will, did and eventually will happen and already has, and still is, and infinitely going on at this moment, isn’t.

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