Wednesday, February 13, 2013

God planned telomeres thus death.

I was raised in a very Christian family. My earliest memories are of “promise land” at Willow Creek Community Church. I’ve always been a little bit “off”, “weird”, “independent”, or even “careless” call it for what it is worth, “carefree”.

My skepticism begins simply; I ask can god if he can heat a burrito so hot that he himself couldn’t eat it? It seems like a stupid question (I guess), but the point remains…Could Jesus heat the burrito so hot that he could not eat it. If so, then he negates his omnipotence and ability to do anything and if not, he still negates his ability to do anything. It’s just a variation of “could god make a rock so heavy that even he couldn’t lift it”.

Say I base my doubts on these simple contradictions because they haunt and wear at my need to think logically and being wired as I am, (because god wired me this way presumably) to want to find closure to this simple question. Am I responsible for pursuing what is deemed as logical? Why would God create us with the ability to think logically, (if he his the truth) if logic brings us to something untrue?

One would think that God created logic to lead us to him. Why then does logic lead us away? Is it Satan? If so, Satan would have to obscure all logic meaning. The simple premise of (2+2=4) means that 2+2 does not = 4, since all logic stems from a prerequisitive concrete foundation.

Deep down I find complete comfort in everything I do and understand.

If life is without divine purpose or reward, it can be a shocking thought if you are raised to think otherwise. At the same time when you realize that our existence is most likely the result of a long time continuum of natural events by which the human race is finally gaining an ever increasing influence over by harnessing and manipulating reality for what it is. For the brief moment that you exist, enjoy, be grateful, and be free while the telomerase’s chip away at your DNA.

Telomerase is an enzyme that adds specific DNA sequence repeats ("TTAGGG" in all vertebrates) to the 3' ("three prime") end of DNA strands in the telomere regions, which are found at the ends of eukaryotic chromosomes (which include all organisms that are not prokaryotic or bacteria or put more understandably to the layman, having a nucleus). The telomeres contain condensed DNA material, giving stability to the chromosomes. The enzyme is a reverse transcriptase that carries its own RNA molecule, which is used as a template when it elongates telomeres, which are shortened after each replication cycle.

Let me repeat

which are shortened after each replication cycle

Death is not a Curse. Death is a natural end product of reproduction based on the gradual diminishment of quality within genetic material.

As to why god would put in place such a negative factor can be disputed on many different philosophical levels.

So there are two conclusions, either, on the pretense of the “fall of Man”, God knew that man would sin and eventually become mortal anyway, so god put in place telomerase’s, thus death, always existed anyway), or evolution happened and of course imperfection is an inevitable part.

Use logic.

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