Friday, December 26, 2014

Are people just plain stupid?

I was perusing the comments on my Youtube channel and I was reminded of just how ridiculously retarded people are. I find myself increasingly intolerant of ignorance. How many brain dead people do you know that casually claim to believe in god without ever once considering what it would actually mean for their lives. These people sicken me, yes but they are not the ones I'm referring to here. It's the ones that know better and choose to continue pretending that they're divinely inspired. It's the wealthy television evangelists that want you to call in to their Sunday morning holy hour and tithe your ten percent as they promise you blessings and good fortune for doing so. Then when one of the sheep finds a five dollar bill in line at McDonalds they think it's the blessing.
Religion is a product with a soft sell and delusional or not, priests and preachers have their sights set on your wallet. Church services revolve around the tithe. Every aspect of production is constructed with the intent to elicit certain emotions at the right times in order to make you more financially yielding. Notice how long the tithing portion of a church service is as well as where it's placed within the service. It's likely to only last a few minutes and takes place after an emotionally inspiring performance of some sort. Bait and switch. The way some churches do it seems so shady too. Listen to the words they do and don't use. They won't use words like "money" or "tithe" or "ten percent". They say things like "give", "bless", "help" and make statements such as "give only what the Holy Spirit has blessed you with". Not only is this horribly misleading, it's blatantly manipulative.
I used to do a lot of street begging. Peoples emotions are susceptible to the right words and visual stimuli. You can't just outright ask people for money. You have to seduce them. Give them a piece of yourself. A glance of hopeful innocence delivered on soft words will split their wallets every time. They walk away feeling good about giving you money too. The church does the same thing. They make more money if they manipulate your emotions. It's a scam and they know it. They purposefully design the service to generate as much revenue as possible.
How about the rich guy who drives his corvette or his hybrid utility Aztec to the homeless shelter every Sunday to "preach" about the wonderful blessings of god. This is likely a self serving practice used to dilute the feelings that they're not really living like Jesus teaches in the bible by being filthy rich. It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. - Luke 18:18-30. I knew a douche bag like this, Glen Christopher Spice of Jackson Michigan. The epitome of a narrow minded, bigot. I mentioned this verse to him once and he got all read in the face and told me I didn't know what that verse meant. I rolled my eyes and left satisfied knowing I got a good yank on his chain. The only reason I'm including his name is because I know he's a big enough douche bag to Google himself and he'll eventually find this and there's not a godamned thing he can do about it. Suck on that shit bag. Also, his halfwit, fucktard oldest son will probably get wind of it as well. Give it up you dumb mother fucker, there ain't shit you can do about it. This is the type of guy who, if he ever has kids, is gonna beat 'em. Gawd I feel sorry for his wife, then again she was dumb enough to marry the fat fuck. Like I said above, I have no tolerance for ignorance. They'll pray about it and god will of course not answer.
It doesn't matter how obvious it is that there is no god and that's why their prayers are not answered. Ignorant people will always make an excuse or even blame themselves for god's apparent silence instead of accepting the obvious. Oh well, so I must live in a world overrun with the delusional. I don't bother to challenge religious people, fuck 'em, people are happy living in delusion. Try and "save" me though and I'll shut you up real quick. The "good news" is a myth and I've heard it, lived it and now I know it's a scam of global proportions that sucks the life out of people.
You are born a sinner. You are not worthy. You are broken. You are empty. You are helpless. You are weak. You are incomplete. You are flawed. You deserve torture. Fuck you. You don't know me. You don't know a god. Where is this god? In our hearts? Where is this heart? You have no answers. There is no god. You're born, you live and then you die. There is nothing after this life. Don't waste it by living as if there were.

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