Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Futile Patriotism

If I lose my job, if perhaps all of the United States collapses upon itself. Then good, I hope it does, I will be happy. I am not patriotic at all. I hate the idea of devoting myself to human made ideals. The reason people wake themselves up every morning for the daily grind is the carrot of utopia dangled in front of them. Democracy is a great idea, as well as communism, but both have their flaws and both will eventually fail. So why waste your life toiling and dying for them? The United States and it's “opportunities” will crumble 1000 years from now if not within the next 100, and say it does! SO WHAT!!?? Does the confliction we cause within the world now really matter? It doesn’t because it is all based on the illusion of a god given morale, and since the morale is based on human belief which is based on the culture, and since culture is in constant flux because of the constant propagation of the understanding of reality through scientific inquiry. Why would anyone rely on any piece of conclusive evidence unveiled as correctness outside of the realm of naturalistic reason and empiricism? For the last century, because of the advent of our understanding of the universe, God has become less and less necessary to account for anything?

The reason this morale will not matter is that the entire world will have a better understanding of our existence and will forfeit its Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, animistic etc., views for what is blatant reality. If not they become the next cult leader who is squandered by the forces of political rule.

In all reality we can feel as if we as an individual have some type of impact upon those around us but in reality those around us are just like you and impact the world just as much as you. Simply because they exist (example: Mother Teresa versus an unknown hermit who sits alone all-day) Mother Teresa will never reach the hermit. Since the hermit is a hermit there is a lack of contribution, even still beyond the dependency for change on Mother Teresa meeting with the hermit there would still be a lack. Since not making a choice is still making a choice not to.

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