Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Is marriage a promise made before GOD?

As the title implies I have a really hard time believing that God exists in the moments of matrimony. I am mildly educated and posses the ability to think logically and critically about the reality of our existence.

As far as life experience, I was raised in a Christian home and attended Willow Creek community church ever since I can remember. As a child at willow creek I was raised through promisland from preschool until 6th grade. I became too wild for them to keep me in Promisland during the 6th grade.

During the midst of any Christian solitary influence, my parents divorced.

My main question according to such circumstances regarding the fact of whether God truly intended my father and mother to be together, forever, together until death they’d so depart.

Will of course remain unanswered because of them both being merely human.

Upon death as they vowed to do so before God! They will part.

They never would depart!!

But since then they have, and since they both believe that they won’t both go to Hell, since they recant the vows they’ve made to each other according too and before god and so within my father and mother they must suffer in Gods eternal judgment since they broke them.

Since they have broken those vows

I do not personally hold them to their word but God (according to the Bible) will.

As it was a promise made before GOD.

If so and God will be the one too send them to hell because they divorced each other with out justified reason. (Neither of them we’re infidels).

God does not apparently regard how bored you are within your marriage (WARNING)

Regardless, they divorced.

So send them to hell!

So they both deserve hell.

Show me the clearest form of spiritual evidence that I deserve the dearest love and mercy that I or my mother and father don’t.

Neither of them did anything to warrant divorce except succumb to societal influence.

So they will both go to hell, according to Christian doctrine. As hard as it is to say, it is actually true! They will all go to hell if I disregard every teaching of “God”, and I accept that Jesus loves everyone no matter how shattered a sinner they are.

Wait though, there are concrete standards…is a persons soul responsible for not having the ability to recognize a law as a divinely placed construct?

Oh wait! Everyone that violates the reasons for divorce within our “current” or “relevant” criteria for divorce within societal constructs commits the “crime” of “social” Divorce.

“God Loves You” but will send you to eternal “physical suffering” for legitimately doubting his existence.

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