Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Nature IS the unintelligent intelligent designer!

Structure exists…though it all may not be truly designed. Design does not necessitate any type of Designer. Design is therefore an entirely plausible product of a natural occurrence.

Since the idea of design by evolution is a concept that “apparently” defies the 2nd law of thermodynamics. It is necessary to point out that entropy is an exclusive law that applies only to closed systems (meaning that systems that are closed to outside influence or “energy” will experience the detriment of entropy faster than those which are exposed), everything breaks down, which is an observable fact…your car will eventually break down, your toaster, you, and your microwave will breakdown, unless you invest it them. I point this out as an undergrad as well as anyone who has a basic understanding of thermodynamics. Within a closed system evolution could never occur according to entropy and the second law of thermodynamics, but our existence is not a closed system.

As individuals we breakdown yes, but not as machines that produce new “versions” because we as creatures, as humans that eat plants, will sustain our reproductive ability simply because the system of life is not “closed” it receives energy in the form of light from the sun, which is transformed into energy through the photosynthesis of plant life from which we as humans either eat the plants that harness this energy or eat animals that eat these plants. Though, in all reality the “system” is still closed because the sun will eventually burn out, the existence of life is still subject to the influence of the suns energy input as long as it (the sun) exists. Therefore since the life of a star is literally billions of years then it is not improbable that the second law of thermodynamics can be reversed for the period of time that the input of energy from the sun from which it is available to us has a generative affect towards the order and complexity of life based on the parameters from which it may be harnessed.

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