Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Why bother with anything?

I find myself increasingly perturbed with everything. I have a few interests in life like science and music but I find myself caring less and less for anything at all. I'm just going to die and that will be it. Even if something I do has a tremendous impact on society for ages to come, in the end it really doesn't matter. There is no God, there is no heaven or hell. Our existence is utterly pointless. The only thing that gets me through this dreary realization is that there are those fleeting moments of fun, enjoyment and ecstasy. Nothing matters though. In the end nothing matters. If I die I die. What can I do about it? God doesn't exist. God doesn't save people. You're delusional if you think otherwise. We are such an insignificant speck in the sense of time and volume of the universe. Albeit an incredible phenomenon we are (life) but a meaningless and temporary one.

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