Wednesday, February 13, 2013

If the fall of man corrupted human reasoning.

Understand that my point was that we as humans CAN trust our own reason, but according to faith-based reasoning you cannot, since the entire human psyche is flawed according to a predisposition to believe that in the “fall” everything broke. 

My point remains based on the reality of the self correcting nature of human reasoning. That we can trust what we perceive as reality. But it doesn’t stand based on the predisposition to believe that human reasoning is broken and always will be no matter what based on faith in the bible. 

So yes you and I are both correct outside of reality, based on our presuppositions. Unfortunately only one of us is correct within reality. So the question then becomes who has the better grip on REALITY.

My point remains though if human cognition is flawed and our perceptions are not to be trusted. How is anything we perceive as a divine, holy or Godly trustworthy? How can you really know that what you are worshiping is the correct God?

Should you go to hell for believing in what you HONESTLY thought was correct? It is (according to you) beyond your control to perceive things and trust them as real and truthful, so how can you be held responsible?

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