Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Getting life from non-life.

So I begin yet another notation of self and my current state. I watched a documentary on abiogenesis which I have known of, but has shown me again that just as a penny drops to earth from a skyscraper. The origins of life on earth do not require a divine catalyst. 

The feasibility of an early, though very simplistic “life” form is plausibly proven. Also the idea of evolution taking place upon such a thing is also proven to be the only adequate and credible explanation for which there is a shred of evidence for. 

I fight with myself about our origins for the sake of my wife and her genuine love for me, but given the sheer probability of something like this happening in a universe that is infinite, then of course I conclude that it will happen, “abiogenesis.“ Why wouldn’t anyone from an objective and non-religious view conclude the same since: infinite universe = infinite possibilities given that the universe is infinite, which it must be in some way shape or form. Something has always been there.

The only problem I struggle with is if GOD is not necessary for the explanation of life then does the god we imagine really exist? If things can be explained naturally without a stretch of the imagination then that seems to be the most likely answer vs. a mind stretching one. Occam's razor DUH the most likely answer is it. And again, why would god want to hide from us?

If “God” is the answer but yet we can find actual evidence that this Christian god does not match the reality of actual existence. Then it is a stretch beyond human reason? I do not place any value upon faith or anything that demonstrates the defiance of human reason. God supposedly gave us reason, presumably to “find” him. Faith has no value since it is groundless. Faith only has value when compared with other faiths that have no foundation and the works thereof. 

Attempts to show through altruistic acts that somehow show that sacrificial acts prove that Jesus is the answer is wishful. Jesus had no problem appearing to hundreds of people 2000 year ago, so why can’t he appear to thousands of people today?

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