Thursday, April 23, 2015

Fired Because You Were Robbed

Getting fired for being robbed and not paying the business for it's losses .....this shit is common practice EVERYWHERE....I worked at a Marathon Gas Station in Elgin Illinois. I was told by the owner that I would have to cover the losses if a robbery occurred on my shift. He justified this by saying it's because I "could be a part of it."  So why then do you let me work for you if you don't trust me? Why is every business owner such a manipulative greedy prick? I gave up on the American dream shortly after 9/11....since then I've decided to purposefully get hired at minimum wage establishments and push my employment and the owners to their limits....In the last 13 years of doing so, I've had over 30 useless jobs....they are all the same.......not only do the businesses manipulate, cheat, lie and prey on their customers for money......but even more so towards their employees....I take pride in all the shitty businesses I've damaged over the years. I charm the shit out of the owners or managers, get hired on, perform really well for a couple months, then slowly start degrading and become a leech, draining the business of resources, fuck shit up "on accident"....I become a nightmare employee for the business (not to it's people of course, I remain charming, to them, I'm a lovable clown) ...I never do anything illegal, I just create distractions and slow down the business as much as possible... I recently got fired form a tele-fundraising company that raises money for police organizations. I (unfortunately) raised a lot of money for them, so it was hard for them to let me go. I hacked past their shitty dialer program, changed the desktop wallpapers, enabled Ctrl+ Alt+Del, put browser shortcuts on their desktops....this was the last straw for them.I don't care though, I don't "NEED" their minimum wage, fuck them and their unscrupulous pursuit of money, this place, Telenet & Associates Inc is by far the worst business I've ever worked for......From the horses mouth.....NEVER DONATE OVER THE PHONE......~88% of your donation goes into the fundraiser owners pockets while he pays his employees min wage w/phony's a damn good scam...because it's legal, people are gullible, and schmucks like me like a little extra weed money....The worst part is that there's a homeless shelter right down the street. So there is an endless supply of extremely desperate people for the owner to take advantage of...The best part about my actions is that it makes all the other minimum wage employees look a little better by comparison and this hopefully gains them a little more appreciation...So you're welcome,'re all still in the Matrix and will likely never wake up. Oh well.....onto the next target......any suggestion? Any shitty business will do, granted I'm not already blacklisted. Fuck You Corporate America!

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