Monday, February 25, 2013

Nothing you do will matter in two million years.

If the earth is 4 and half billion years old, and humans have only been around for the last couple million years. That's a splinter of time in comparisom. How long is our species going to last? If you think about it, we have questionable records of human history only dating back to at the most, 10,000 years. The only influence the ancients have had on modern society are thier philosophical speculations from only 6000 years ago, and they are presented as history in the educational world. 

If you consider the next two million years, if we're even still around. What did you do in your life that would make a long last impact? The answer is nothing, there is nothing you could do. I can hear people argue that math and electricity or modern medicine will still be around in the far off future thanks to us and our preceding generations. Bullshit. Say for instance that the human race is nearly wiped out. Our population gets bottlenecked into a small isolated tribe somewhere that knows nothing of modern technology and from there we eventually repopulate the planet, Don't you think that someone else will eventually learn how to harness electrons? Or expound upon basic mathematical principles? Of course they will. So even if you do in fact have some kind of lasting impact on the human race. Kudos to you, but it doesn't matter, because even if we aren't all wiped out two million years from now, chances are someone else will eventually come along and do the same exact thing that you did. 

Now, I'm not saying don't go out there and try to make a difference. I'm just giving some perspective. Think about the things that you do and why? For me, it's for fun, pleasure and most importantly, money. The way I see it, if my life is pointless and nothing I do matters, then why not enjoy it to the fullest? And what better way to live than with a shit load of cash. 

I was raised middle class, then I was out on my ass at 17. At which point I was poor. I didn't really realize this fact as I had friends from high school I could bounce around from. So I partied, banged tons of chicks, did tons of drugs and was a criminal. This was a ton of fun as you can imagine. I was living with my friends for free, eating for free, getting drugs for free. I never looked at my self as poor of homeless, as I never asked for these things from people, they were usually just given to me with little or no prompt. 

There were plenty of times that I had to go without certain things. I got really good at panhandling. Coming up with 20 bucks in under an hour is relatively easy when you have the right pitch and approach. So all this time I'm living off of the seemingly endless wealth of my friend's parents, my friends and society. I've always been a minimalist, it's just my nature. So to get the things I wanted or needed was easy because it wasn't much. It wasn't until I burned my last bridge in Illinois and fled to Michigan that I felt poor. 

I always had everything I wanted for the most part, but I noticed as my partying progressed and as I aged, people's generosity began to evaporate a little quicker and I would have to modify my behavior in order to keep a roof over my head. At first, when I started out, there were no rules. I was just a kid and people didn't expect much from me. 

Through the years I've had a taste of the liberation and endless income can provide. My aim is to achieve this again, but on my own. My life is pointless anyways, so I'm just going to focus on making a fuck load of money. I'm already on my way. It'll take a couple more years until it's sustainable but I'll finally be able to do whatever the hell I damn well please. You may think that I sound like an asshole. Or think it's a waste. But who are you to say that what I want and my dreams are wrong? I wanted to be a famous musician when I was younger, then I realized I just want the money, and that's a lot easier. I could care less if someone recognizes something artful that I've done. 

Any qualms about the perspective I present here should be weighed against the title of this article and considered in the context of your own life. How much of your life are you wasting on things you don't want to do? A lot I presume. Most people do. Then they fucking die. 

Why not figure out a way to make money without having to work? I did, I took me a long time, but I did. When you look around at all the people in your life, look at how mindlessly they toil at work, blindly pray to a God, and pay such little attention to the world outside of what immediately affects them. They carry on for years doing this. Not me, I see life and the world how it really is. This is the only time we have. There is no afterlife. Think about it, you were unaware of existence before your birth. What makes you think death will be any different? We enter the world in diapers, and we exit the world in diapers. 

Once you realize that the 80 or so years of your life will make no difference in two million years and that's all you're gonna get. Your focus turns a little inward. You start to see reality and how much of your time is being wasted. Personally, I love to watch T. V., make music and play video games. Some people may say that those things are a waste of time. But to each their own, they are the things I want to do. 

Considering we really only get a good 50 years between our first memories and our last. I'd rather spend my time on things I want to do. Sex, Drugs and Rock 'n' Roll. I've been married twice, divorced then widowed. I'm actually very glad I am single. I cringe at the thought of what my life would probably be like right now if I were still married to either one. The biggest bullet I dodged were kids. People joke about their lives being over once they have a baby, but it's so true. 

I have searched for meaning and purpose in life. I find no lofty or noble answer transcendent of human behavior. I have loved someone without reciprocation. I've been swept away with religion. I've had samples of many different lives I could have had. I don't know if I would have done things differently. I know I'll always have one wish. But I know it will likely never come true, ever. You'd think I'd just let it go right? Well I wish I could. Just another thing to file under "Oh well" and try to detach from. 

What everything really comes down too is that I give up. I have one goal in my life. To get filthy stinking rich. Life is continously disappointing. I know it doesn't matter. But it's the best thing I can think of to do. I can't say if I'll regret anything on my death bed. It won't matter then anyway. It'll be to late. I change my virtues, values and morals too often to even know. 

Life is dark, cold and ruthless. I have no desire to pursue love. I have no desire to be recognized. I have no desire to start a family. I have no desire to go back to school. I often wish my life was just over already. I think about how absolutely fucking miserable my life has been and I dread another 50 years. 

I can't seem to get over the fact that nothing I do matters. Let alone in two million years. One could argue that of a butterfly effect. Even so, it still doesn't matter. We are a meaningless granule of sand in the ocean. Oh well.

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