Wednesday, February 13, 2013

I know everything you think I don't.

Understand I know everything you think I don't and probably just as much or more. As a creationist I was offered a job at Answers in Genesis by Carl Kirby himself. Before then, I sought out any contact fervently with any other creationist in my immediate area (as rare as they are, I found them) I found every young earth creationist in my area. I happened to actually live in the same township as Carl Kirby and work with his son in the same local mall, (Carl Kirby is one of  Answers in Genesis' top dog speakers in the U.S.) Carl and his son took me on a 3 day creationist seminar/retreat that cost $500.xx + dollars to attend, for free. Mind you that at this time creationism to me no matter what happens “is the only answer”, I was taken by Carl Kirby himself with his son, in their car for 7 hours to the seminar from Chicagoland Illinois (by all the lakes near Chicago IL U.S) to Kentucky and was handed a bunk bed, mind you, all for free. I met with Ken ham and had Jon Safarti Sign and date his "refuting compromise" book for me. I sat through, believed and took to heart their most powerful speeches.

I was taken on a first hand tour with Ken Ham of the unfinished  Answers in Genesis museum. I remember the unfinished ceilings, the unfinished robotic dinosaurs, the offices, the unfinished ticket booths, the leveled areas for parking lots and listening in on the planetariums’ architectural contemplations. After all of that I was offered a job at the museum, not because they found my intellectualism as a benefit but because they saw the passion in me.

So don’t for a second think I am lacking a foothold in reality, I can defend Christianity to its bitter end.

I Loved God
I was a warrior

As a warrior, I felt like I was chosen, I felt purpose, I was Driven. I had God as reinforcement.

When it comes down to it though, who can argue against reason?

Even if you argue against reason, saying that it is flawed because we are human and imperfect. Then how can you justify your reasoning for your belief in God? If your reasoning is flawed and imperfect?

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